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Born in Magenta in 1927, she passed away in Vercelli in 2007.

The eldest of a wealthy family, she completed her studies until she was sent to the Canossian Sisters.

His passion for painting was revealed from an early age, so much so that he preferred it to playing.

He drew everywhere, using any tool to express his passion: pencils, ink pens, pastels, oil paints, tempera…

After marrying a man from Vercelli, in 1953 she settled in Vercelli.

Having no children, his passion for art explodes in all its facets.

In fact, he not only paints, but writes short stories and poems.

He attended painting courses at the Brera Academy, improving and perfecting his natural talents.

She was among the founders of a Vercelli Cultural Club around which writers, painters and sculptors gathered coordinated by Maestro Francesco Giuseppe Rinone, who had a great influence on artistic training.

Considering how the Vercelli and Piedmontese provinces were at the time, this club was very stimulating for the cultural life of the city.

Miranda preferred to paint flowers, but in her artistic life she also painted many portraits of women, still lifes, landscapes especially of Vercelli and abstract subjects which complete her pictorial production.

For her, painting was a physical and psychological need that allowed her to escape from the world of the foggy Piedmontese province that was too close to her and to make up for, with her art, the moments of melancholy typical of very sensitive souls.

He has participated in many national and international exhibitions, receiving important recognition.

Her shyness, linked to her education and the historical period in which she lived, most likely did not allow her to take the risk of transforming her art into commerce.

Indeed, he often gave away his paintings or sold them at prices that were unsuitable for their artistic quality for the pleasure of giving to those who appreciated his work.

After her death, her grandchildren wanted to pay homage to her by cataloging all her works for the creation of two monographic catalogues, edited by Volker and Raffaella Silbernagl.

A permanent exhibition of Miranda's works is set up at the Silbernagl Gallery in Daverio.

Miranda Magistrelli has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in northern Italy.
Main awards won
Vercelliarte – Palazzo Verga - Vercelli
National painting exhibition – Dorno (Pavia)
National “Santhià” Award - Santhià
“Silver Leopard” Award - Milan
“Demetrio Casola” Award - Chivasso
“The seagull” Vercelli Award
National “L'orbita” Award - Novara
National Award “The Golden Fish” - Borgodale
National “Silver Lion” Award - Vercelli
“Crescentino” Mondial Award - Vercelli
“Fourth Sunday” Award - Mede (Pavia)
“Biagio Canevari” Award Dorno (Pavia)
National Award “Golden Frog” - Castelbeltrame (Novara)
National Award “Work in the rice field”

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